Understanding Your Tyre Markings

Ever wonder what all those numbers on the sidewall of your tire actually mean? Here’s a detailed explanation about the sidewall markings present, that can provide you with some important data about your tires.


Firstly we start with explaining the meaning of Sidewall Markings.

Tyre sidewall markings help vehicle owners to distinguish, buy and maintain their tyres. At first they were just to help distinguish the tyre's maker.

Throughout the years, Government enactment has demanded safety markings to be present in order to help buyers know they are getting a certified and appropriate tyre for their vehicle.

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Explaining the markings-

Key Tyre Marking Description 
Manufacturer's or brand name, and commercial name or identity
B Tyre size, construction and speed rating designations
C Denotes type of car tyre construction
D Pressure marking requirement
E Country of manufacture
F Identification Number
Apart from that, you might also find the following embossed in the tyre marking:
The temperature rating - a marker of how well the tyre performs if subjected to harsh temperatures. "A" is the highest rating and "C" is the least.

The traction rating - a pointer of how well the tyre is fit for stopping on wet surfaces. "AA" is the highest rating; "C" is the least.

The tread-wear rating - a rating mark that indicates the longevity of a tyre's life. A tyre with a tread-wear rating of 200, for instance, could be relied upon to keep going for twice the length that a tyre with a rating of 100 can go on for. Tread-wear ratings normally range between 60 and 600 in 20-point increments .
It is important to note that this is a relative indicator and the actual life of a tyre's tread is influenced by the quality of road surfaces, air pressure, wheel alignment and many other variable factors.

So now that you know the key factor to differentiate between tyres, chose your next tyre wisely!

Original Soource-: https://www.mrftyres.com/blogs/understanding-your-tyre-markings


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